Do you know which financial instruments have to be reported under EMIR? EU Directive 2004/39/EC, better known as Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), is an integral part of EMIR and defines 'financial instruments'
We have also tried to obtain some information from DTCC regarding their pricing model. We really tried hard to get some numbers but, in the end, everything was just 'indicative' and 'confidential'. DTCC confirmed that they do not offer any 'third party' models providing some additional benefit for reporting entities.
REGIS-TR recently published their updated fee schedule regarding trade reporting under EMIR.
Reporting Participants will face membership costs as well as costs related to the number of trades reported and also costs depending on the duration of the contract.
We have been asked by several companies whether we will offer EMIRate as an 'on premise' solution as well. To cut a long story short - we will, but only if we find at least a few clients who prefer an in-house to a Cloud-based solution.
We still recommend the Cloud for a number of reasons. If - due to whichever reason - the Cloud is not an option for you, but an 'on-premise' version would be, we look forward to receiving your enquiry.
ESMA proposes postponing the reporting start date for exchange traded contracts, ETDs, by one year until January 2015. The expected start date for OTC derivatives reporting remains January 1, 2014.
ESMA published a new Q&A document on August 5, 2013.
The Q&A document covers general, OTC, CCP and TR related questions and a few additional aspects have been added or were modified, which are of relevance to corporations (below the clearing threshold), e.g.:
Yesterday we received a commitment from our first client (Austrian company, ATX-listed) who will use EMIRate for their EMIR reporting.
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