DTCC Fee Structure

We have also tried to obtain some information from DTCC regarding their pricing model. We really tried hard to get some numbers but, in the end, everything was just 'indicative' and 'confidential'. DTCC confirmed that they do not offer any 'third party' models providing some additional benefit for reporting entities.

Any company interested in DTCC's pricing schedule may contact DTCC directly. What we do know at the moment is that the pricing model (which we are not supposed to speak about) is competitve, but to some extent confusing; a term that also applies to the entire technical structure of upload spreadsheets with 180+ columns, obviously derived from Dodd-Frank reporting and additionally 'enhanced' for EMIR.

It looks like the entire reporting workflow has been transferred from the Dodd-Frank to the EMIR 'universe'. The main challenge obviously is that the reporting requirements, in terms of 'who has to report what' under Dodd-Frank are totally different from EMIR's requirements.

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