August 2013

EMIR und Termingeschäfte

Wir haben in letzter Zeit von einigen Unternehmen gehört, dass ihnen bei Veranstaltungen erzählt worden war, dass Termingeschäfte unter EMIR nicht zu melden wären.

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EMIR - Selbst-Check

Unsicher, ob ihr Unternehmen, und wenn ja, in welchem Ausmaß, betroffen ist? Laden Sie unseren Selbsttest herunter.  Deutsch / Englisch (EXCEL).

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EMIR & Finanzielle Instrumente

Wussten bzw. wissen Sie, welche Instrumente unter die EMIR-Meldepflicht fallen? EU Directive 2004/39/EC, besser bekannt als Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID), ist ein integraler Bestandteil von EMIR und definiert "Finanzielle Instrumente".

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DTCC Kosten

... dürfen wir hier leider nicht bekannt geben.

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REGIS-TR kündigt finales Gebührenmodell an

REGIS-TR haben nun ihr finales Gebührenmodell veröffentlicht.

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EMIRate 'on premise'?

We have been asked by several companies whether we will offer EMIRate as an 'on premise' solution as well. To cut the long story short - we will, if we find at least a few clients who prefer an inhouse over a Cloud solution.

We still recommend the Cloud because of a number of reasons. If - due to whichever reason - Cloud is not an option for you, but an 'on premise' version would be, we are looking forward to receiving your inquiry.

Exchange Traded Contracts - Reporting Start Date postponed

ESMA proposes to postpone the reporting start date for exchange traded contracts, ETD's, by one year until January 2015. The expected start date for OTC derivatives reporting remains at 1 January 2014.

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Our first clip is online, featuring EMIRate's IRR functions. IRR? Import.Report.Relax. Because it is simple.

New Q&A Document published by ESMA

ESMA published a new Q&A document on August 5, 2013.

The Q&A document covers general, OTC, CCP and TR related questions and a few additional aspects have been added or were modified, which are of relevance to corporations (below the clearing threshold), e.g.:

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EMIRate - First client ...

Yesterday we received a commitment from our first client (Austrian company, ATX-listed) who will use EMIRate for their EMIR reporting.